Your Pathway to Success on this Quiz:
1) Read the Study Guide materials on the Unit 6 -- Africa Calendar
2) Perform the activities suggested regarding and the links on my webpage
3) Be in class on Wednesday 5/23/12. . . bring your brain!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Unit 5 -- Latin America Test Hints/Tips and Binder Reminder . . . MONDAY 5/21/12
It's Test and Binder Check Time!
Test Hints and Tips (check out the Study Guide on the Unit 5 Calendar):
Binder Reminder:
1) Calendar with Learning Targets -- check the boxes.
2) Notes from the Intro. PPt -- summarize, make quiz questions, and/or draw pictures of your Notes in the Recall Column and put at least 5 key events with dates on the timeline on the back. The PowerPoint is in the Modern World History Unit 5 -- Latin America folder on my webpage.
3) Include the Outlines from each of the 5 presentations you should have seen (you might have 6 if you include your own).
Good Luck!
Test Hints and Tips (check out the Study Guide on the Unit 5 Calendar):
- 125 points
- Lots of People Matching (let's get them right this time!)
- Many Map Locations
- A Bunch of Multiple Choice and True/False (including Questions given to you during the seminar presentations)
- 1 Short Answer -- pick one of the terms below and explain how it might inhibit economic growth and modernization in Latin America, especially for one specific country
- Multinational Corporations
- Colonial Legacy
- Leftist Movements
- Foreign Debt
- The USA
- Overpopulation
- Inequality (land and/or wealth)
- 1 Last Venn Diagram
Binder Reminder:
1) Calendar with Learning Targets -- check the boxes.
2) Notes from the Intro. PPt -- summarize, make quiz questions, and/or draw pictures of your Notes in the Recall Column and put at least 5 key events with dates on the timeline on the back. The PowerPoint is in the Modern World History Unit 5 -- Latin America folder on my webpage.
3) Include the Outlines from each of the 5 presentations you should have seen (you might have 6 if you include your own).
Good Luck!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Latin America and the USA -- Your Last Blog Homework :(
This is it . . . your last chance for Blog Glory (NOT Blades of Glory)!
Pick ONE of the following terms below and explain:
1) whether you feel this concept has been good for the USA
2) whether you feel this concept has been good for Latin America
Good Luck!
P.S. This is a 10 point assignment, due by 11:59pm on Monday 5/21/12
Include your first name, last initial, and class period with your post...I might not recognize your "Anonymous" post!
Pick ONE of the following terms below and explain:
1) whether you feel this concept has been good for the USA
2) whether you feel this concept has been good for Latin America
Terms to Choose From:
- School of the Americas/WHINSEC
- Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary
- Platt Amendment
- Rio Pact
- Organization of American States
Good Luck!
P.S. This is a 10 point assignment, due by 11:59pm on Monday 5/21/12
Include your first name, last initial, and class period with your post...I might not recognize your "Anonymous" post!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Arab Spring Survey

These Arab Spring protests have shared techniques of mostly civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches, and rallies, as well as the use of social media to organize, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of state attempts at repression and Internet censorship.
Many demonstrations have met violent responses from authorities, as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators. These attacks have been answered with violence from protesters in some cases.
What is the point of all this protesting? The point is that the protesters desire those things that people everywhere want . . . jobs, education, food, housing, etc., and the ability to have a say in their own lives, including the right to remove from power those leaders who are perceived as not upholding their end of the bargain in the "Social Contract" with their subjects/citizens.
So, what do you see as the pros and cons of the Arab Spring from the USA perspective? It's survey time . . . CLICK HERE to begin! This is due by 5/8/12 at 11:59pm for 10 easy points. Rise up now and accept the challenge . . . control your own destiny . . . all it will cost you is a little of your time and brainpower!
Good Luck!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
It's Test Time . . . Again! Unit 4 -- Middle East 5/8/12!
This test will be the actual "Mother of All Tests," even if that's what I called the last test . . . I really mean it this time!
This test has:
So, use the Study Guide on the back of your Unit Calendar to guide your studying (add the term "mujahideen" by the way), and make sure you check out the questions from the "optional" homeworks . . .
Good Luck!
This test has:
- 198 POINTS!
- 1 SHORT ANSWER! (...will the Middle East peace process ever be a success?)
- 1 MIGHTY VENN DIAGRAM! (3 things to compare)
Good Luck!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I Hope You Brought Your "A" Game . . . It's Test Review Time!
CLICK THIS LINK to begin . . . good luck . . . high score wins!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
It's Test Time Again! . . . Unit 3 -- Asia . . . Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You (4/9/12)!
It's going to be ~195 points of brain-wracking fun! It's all multiple choice, except for the part that isn't multiple choice! Yes, there will be matching! Yes, it will include 1 map! Yes, there will be tears of joy and tears of sadness in the room! No, it will not be the last test you ever take in this class . . . but we're getting closer!
Good luck, be safe out there, and make good choices!
Mr. H.
- You might be asking yourself, "what should I study for this test?" Might I suggest, "start with the study guide?" (It's on the back of your Unit Calendar . . . in case you forgot . . . .)
- You might also be asking yourself, "what will the non-multiple choice portion entail?" Would you believe me if I told you that I was hoping you would evaluate China's changes since the death of Mao (in a short answer format)?
- Finally, you might also be asking yourself, "why should I care about this test . . . I'm on my way out these days, and I've got a bad case of 'itis?" Good point . . . but might I remind you that we are going "college-style" . . . this test will be one of a handful of grades in 4th quarter and will affect your quarter grade greatly . . . if that doesn't convince you to study a little because your case of 'itis is really bad, let me remind you that in order to be avoiding the Final Exam, you have to complete all work in the 4th Quarter "to the satisfaction of the teacher" . . . "to the satisfaction of (this) teacher" means 60% or better on all assignments in the 4th Quarter, including tests!
Good luck, be safe out there, and make good choices!
Mr. H.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Quarter 3 One China Extra Credit Survey
You are not in college yet, so here is your chance at a little extra credit for Quarter 3 . . . CLICK HERE and take the survey on One China by 11:59pm on March 23, 2012 for 5 extra credit points.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Test Unit 2 -- The Cold War Hints and Tips
Your Cold War test will be an incredible challenge . . . but I know you are up for it!
It will:
To Study:
It will:
- Be on Tuesday, March 6, 2012
- Be closed book, note, binder, and neighbor
- Be open brain
- Be about 180 points
- Be mostly multiple choice
- Have people and concept matching up the wazoo
- Have a short answer (was the ending of the Cold War good or bad?)
- Have a 3-way Venn Diagram related to Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba
- Have a map of Europe related to Cold War alliances (see the map below -- click map to enlarge)
To Study:
- See the study guide on the back of the Unit 2 Calendar
- Study
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Applying the Lessons of Vietnam
You've seen the video, you've read the handout, now answer the questions . . . !
1) Of the lessons A-K in the handout "Applying the Lessons of Vietnam," which one is the most important one the USA should have learned from its experiences in the Vietnam conflict? Why do you think this lesson is more important than all of the others?
2) Did the USA actually learn this most important lesson in its recent involvements in Iraq, Afghanistan, and/or Libya (do some research if you need to)? Back up your answer with some evidence.
3) Critique (in a professional manner) the choice of the person who posted before you (agree/disagree with his/her choice of most important lesson, and why).
This 10 point assignment is due by 2/27/12 at 11:59pm. Comment to this post using your first name, last initial, and class period.
1) Of the lessons A-K in the handout "Applying the Lessons of Vietnam," which one is the most important one the USA should have learned from its experiences in the Vietnam conflict? Why do you think this lesson is more important than all of the others?
2) Did the USA actually learn this most important lesson in its recent involvements in Iraq, Afghanistan, and/or Libya (do some research if you need to)? Back up your answer with some evidence.
3) Critique (in a professional manner) the choice of the person who posted before you (agree/disagree with his/her choice of most important lesson, and why).
This 10 point assignment is due by 2/27/12 at 11:59pm. Comment to this post using your first name, last initial, and class period.
Good Luck!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
OK . . . It's Finally Test Time!
Your Unit 1 -- United Nations test on Friday is going to be 120 points of fun. If you want to do well, study! The important things to study are on the back of the Unit 1 Calendar that you are including with your Binder Check. If you know all of the key terms, people, and concepts, you should do well.
The test will be mostly multiple choice, true/false, and matching, with one Venn Diagram, one short answer, and one long answer.
This will be an opened-brain, closed-Binder, closed-book, closed-neighbor, closed-electronic device, no-help-sheet, etc. test . . . just do your best . . . that's all we can ask!
Good Luck!
The test will be mostly multiple choice, true/false, and matching, with one Venn Diagram, one short answer, and one long answer.
This will be an opened-brain, closed-Binder, closed-book, closed-neighbor, closed-electronic device, no-help-sheet, etc. test . . . just do your best . . . that's all we can ask!
Good Luck!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Is the United Nations Money Well Spent for the USA?
CLICK HERE to go to the survey page! Do this by Friday 2/10/12 at 11:59pm to get your easy 5 points for this assignment!
Good luck!
Good luck!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
What Exactly Does the UN Do . . . ?
In case your satire detector isn't working people, this is a satire!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Your First Assignment!
In the comment section of this post, included your first name, last initial, and class period with your answers to the following questions by 11:59pm on 1/25/12 for 10 easy points:
1) What famous world person (alive at least for part of 1945-2011) would you most like to meet, and what would you ask that person?
2) What event that happened in the world between 1945 and your birth would you most like to have witnessed in person, and why would you like to have witnessed that event?
3) If you could have been born in any year other than the year of your birth, which year would it be, and why that year?
P.S. Make sure you go through the word verification process (the squiggly word) . . . you should be able to see your comment posted immediately . . . if not, try again!
Good luck, and welcome aboard!
1) What famous world person (alive at least for part of 1945-2011) would you most like to meet, and what would you ask that person?
2) What event that happened in the world between 1945 and your birth would you most like to have witnessed in person, and why would you like to have witnessed that event?
3) If you could have been born in any year other than the year of your birth, which year would it be, and why that year?
P.S. Make sure you go through the word verification process (the squiggly word) . . . you should be able to see your comment posted immediately . . . if not, try again!
Good luck, and welcome aboard!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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